770-938-8000 info@lawsmith.com

Nursing Home Neglect & Medical Malpractice

Doctor, Hospital, Nurse and Dentist Negligence

Medical malpractice claims involve a different standard than traditional personal injury law. You have a right to expect a lot from medical professionals, and the law considers negligence by a doctor, nurse, dentist or similar professional against a unique standard: Did the medical professional fail to act the same way another reasonable professional would have acted in the same situation?

When medical professionals fail to fulfill the duty of care

If the answer to this question is “yes,” than you may have a medical malpractice claim. If you do, we need to work with expert witnesses from the medical community to prove your case.

These witnesses are not people who were at the scene when you sustained your injury—they are professionals who can tell the court when and how the medical professional attending to you failed to fulfill his or her duty of care.

Attorneys at LawSmith can help clients who are struggling with the aftermath of medical malpractice in other ways, too:

  • Wrongful death — when certain loved ones die because of medical negligence
  • Dental malpractice — when your dental health professional commits malpractice
  • Vicarious liability — when a hospital, clinic, or other medical institution is responsible for the people it assigns to care for you
  • Claims against the state — if a state clinic or institution is responsible for your malpractice injury, we have to work differently
  • Nursing home abuse or negligence — when a nursing home or its agent is responsible for negligent treatment of a patient

Nursing home negligence or abuse

Nursing home negligence or abuse is one of the more insidious types of cases we handle. When an elderly or incapacitated loved one is in a special-care facility, you expect that the people who work there will feel compassion and kindness for patients. It seems monstrous and nonsensical that anyone would treat the meek with anger, violence, or a lack of concern for their safety and health–especially when the patient’s care is the objective of the person’s job.

It happens, though, and, when it does, Attorneys at LawSmith can help find a solution. We can advise on how to remove your loved one from the negligent or abusive facility and we can pursue that facility to the end of the law. Our goal is that the patient is able to recover an amount of damages that allows him or her to receive attention in an appropriate and caring facility, instead.

Attorneys at LawSmith wants to help you recover the full extent of damages owed to you under medical malpractice law in Georgia. We strive to offer you compassionate, healing attention, zealous legal representation, and kindness throughout your ordeal.

Please contact the office to learn more about how we may be able to help you.

Call 770-938-8000 For Your Free Consultation


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