770-938-8000 info@lawsmith.com


At Attorneys at LawSmith, we take pride in having a caring, well-trained and educated staff, including law clerks, paralegals and legal assistants to help you with your legal and medical needs. Multi-lingual translation services are readily available.

Additionally, Attorneys at LawSmith retains a medial consultant who is a Registered Nurse (R.N.), Janet Hicks Keen, R.N., M.S., C.I.C. to help us understand your medical concerns, insure your medical concerns are addressed by your doctors and identify potential future medical treatment that may be necessary. Janet has been a R.N. for over 36 years and during her career was the Director of a large urban emergency room, a certified Trauma Nurse Specialist, and conducted trauma courses for EMTs, nurses and physicians. Janet has also published seven books and over thirty manuscripts.

Call 770-938-8000 For Your Free Consultation


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