770-938-8000 info@lawsmith.com

Workers Compensation

Workplace injuries in Georgia

Attorneys at LawSmith assists employees who were injured on the job or in the workplace and need legal representation in order to obtain the workers’ compensation benefits owed to them.

When you are injured at work in Georgia, you have certain rights to medical attention and income benefits while you cannot work to your full potential.

Attorneys at LawSmith can help you stay compliant with workers’ compensation laws so that you may retain eligibility for benefits. If your employer or the workers’ compensation board fails to fulfill its duty to you, we can help you with that, too.

Knowing when you need a workers’ compensation attorney

Clients may think that workers’ compensation injuries do not require an attorney until it’s too late—a good rule of thumb is that if you’re not sure you need a lawyer, contact our office for a consultation.

Consultations are always free, and the firm upholds a philosophy of sharing the full scope of relevant legal information with anyone who requests it.

We can help at all stages of the workers’ compensation process in Georgia:

  • Immediately after your injury when you are learning what to do to stay compliant with workers’ compensation laws in Georgia
  • While you are receiving treatment to remain compliant
  • While you are receiving treatment if an employer fails to provide adequate, lawful choices or access to treatment
  • While you are recovering if you need help covering lost wages
  • While you are recovering if your employer fires you, demotes you, or otherwise unlawfully penalizes you for your injury
  • While you are disabled if you need representation at a workers’ compensation hearing
  • While you are disabled if the workers’ compensation board denies any or part of your claim

Attorneys at LawSmith practice with compassion, kindness, and an aim toward getting you the full benefits allowable under Georgia law.

We care about our clients as individuals and want you to be able to return to work. If the nature of your injuries means that is not feasible, we want you to have the most comfortable care possible, instead.

Please contact us for help with workers’ compensation law as soon as you think you may need representation.

Call 770-938-8000 For Your Free Consultation


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